Campus & Community
Colleges & Schools

Cornell's vital agriculture and veterinary roles stressed by N.Y.'s new senator during campus visit

In her first visit to Cornell as New York's junior U.S. senator, Kirsten Gillibrand pledged to advocate for the university's agriculture and veterinary programs as a way of revitalizing New York state's economy. (April 8, 2009)

World food crisis is as much about ethics and prices as availability, say experts

The world food crisis may not be new, said food-policy experts speaking on campus April 3, but it is certainly growing increasingly complex in terms of water, climate, energy and cost, to name just a few factors. (April 8, 2009)

In new briefings series, professors present science to D.C. policymakers

Two professors addressed agriculture and climate change in Washington, D.C., March 27, to launch a new College of Agriculture and Life Sciences series of educational briefings for policymakers.

Horticulture students head south to Belize to show how gardens enrich schools

This semester a horticulture class prepared for a spring break trip to Belize -- not to hit the beach but to show how school gardens can enrich curricula and serve as a foundation for community education programs. (April 3, 2009)

Extension helps communities be more efficient

Cornell and extension are helping upstate municipalities engage in a dialogue about merging or sharing services to be more sustainable. (April 2, 2009)

New biofuel lab focuses on turning bales into barrels

Cornell just opened its new $6 million Biofuels Research Laboratory, where Cornell scientists and students from across the university are examining sustainable and economical biofuel production. (April 1, 2009)

Sage Chapel noon series focuses on sustainability with food and music

'A Spirit of Sustainability' is a new series - with food and music - to stimulate conversation about climate neutrality. Events will be held each Thursday in April from noon 1 p.m. in Sage Chapel.

Cornell Sustainability Month features 30-plus events in April

The month of April on campus is sprinkled with more than 30 public events related to sustainability activities at Cornell, across the basic themes of energy, environment and economic development.

New method applies pesticides in nanofibers to keep chemicals on target

To prevent pesticides from drifting away and potentially posing risks to the environment, Cornell researchers have devised a solution: Apply the pesticides by encapsulating them in biodegradable nanofibers. (March 26, 2009)

Human Ecology's Ying Hua examines how the U.S. and Japan build green

Ying Hua, assistant professor of design and environmental analysis, has received a fellowship to study how U.S. and Japanese green building design differ, and a grant to develop a green building course. (March 26, 2009)

New report: Hawaiian birds in greatest peril, but conservation efforts work

The first comprehensive U.S. 'State of the Birds' report, on which Cornell scientists collaborated, finds that many Hawaiian, sea and desert birds are in decline, but conservation efforts work. (March 25, 2009)

Local foods: Good for your health and the economy, stresses state commissioner

'Local foods, first' is more than a new food fad. It is a high priority for Albany policymakers, said New York agriculture commissioner Patrick Hooker at a March 10 conference on campus. (March 16, 2009)