Engaged Opportunity Grants Fuel Community-Engaged Learning for Students

The Einhorn Center is funding seven project teans from the latest round of Engaged Opportunity Grants.

Around Cornell

Inclusive Excellence Podcast: insights from the other hill

In this episode of the Inclusive Excellence Podcast, co-hosts Erin Sember-Chase and Toral Patel welcome Dr. La Jerne Terry Cornish, President of Ithaca College, to discuss her journey in higher education. 

Around Cornell

More diverse investigators could help diversify clinical trials

Black Americans are more willing to participate in medical studies led by Black doctors and researchers, perceiving them as more trustworthy, finds new research co-authored by a Cornell economist.

Fashion show to celebrate, unite cultures of the African diaspora

The 20th annual AFRIK, hosted by the Pan-African Students Association on March 15, will feature the work of seven professional and four student designers, as well as music and dance performances.

New Hillel building planned to support Jewish life at Cornell

A proposed new building on West Campus, expected to open in summer 2027, will provide a dedicated home for a student organization that helps students connect and develop their Jewish and religious identity.

Lack of regulations, oversight in health care IT causes harm

Health information technology systems promised increased efficiency and reduced costs, but new ILR School-led research suggests these benefits have been elusive.

Inclusive Excellence Podcast: Reentry, Work and Resilience

In this episode of the Inclusive Excellence Podcast, Erin Sember-Chase and Toral Patel are joined by Thomas Jones ’24, who shares his journey from incarceration to higher education and his role as fair employment practice specialist at Cornell.

Around Cornell

East Asian adults more prone to iron-related chronic disease

New Cornell research shows that individuals of East Asian ancestry have greater risk of elevated iron stores than people of Northern European ancestry, putting them at higher risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, liver disease and cancer.

Inclusive Excellence Podcast: Exploring spiritual diversity and wellbeing

In this episode of the Inclusive Excellence Podcast, co-hosts Erin Sember-Chase and Toral Patel are joined by Joel Harter and Saorsa Wissman from Cornell’s Office of Spirituality & Meaning-Making (OSMM) to discuss their efforts in creating inclusive spaces for individuals of all religious, spiritual and secular backgrounds. 

Around Cornell