Almost all U.S. politicians tweet about climate change based on party affiliation and the opinion of their constituents, not actual climate risk to the areas they represent, a new multidisciplinary study found.
According to new research co-led by Jonathon Schuldt ’04, associate professor of communication, family values are a much stronger predictor of climate opinions and policy support than political views for U.S. Latinos.
Todd Bittner, Director of Natural Areas, Cornell Botanic Gardens, and member of Dryden Rail Trail Task Force discussing how the Dryden Rail Trail "connects communities" in Tompkins County.
The Campus Sustainability Office and campus-wide Green Teams have launched a 'tip of the month' campaign to help staff identify easy ways to make the workplace more sustainable.
Cornell researchers will develop the first high-resolution carbon monitoring system for East Africa that combines “bottom up” ecological modeling with “top down” satellite data, thanks to a three-year, $1 million NASA grant.
Four new extension specialists have joined New York Sea Grant (NYSG) in its mission of “Bringing Science to the Shore” as part of a collaborative program between Cornell and the State University of New York.
Justin Wilson has received a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop more efficient methods of separating rare earth elements, which are found in wind turbines, liquid crystal displays, batteries, and portable electronics.
After stifling temperatures parked over the Pacific Northwest in late June, scientists – including Cornell’s Flavio Lehner – said climate change triggered it.
A breakthrough imaging technique enabled Cornell researchers to gain new insights into how tiny ligands adsorb on the surface of nanoparticles and how they can tune a particle’s shape.
A Cornell-led team has used transdisciplinary systems modeling to calculate the future health benefits of vehicle electrification, driverless cars and ride-sharing in the United States.