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Colleges & Schools

Cornell-EDF team looks to Iceland fisheries for sustainable insights

Iceland’s fisheries management system is being studied as a roadmap for sustainable development of marine resources that can withstand climate change.

Aquatic insects linked to migratory bird breeding success

Ecologists found that aquatic insects richer in highly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids influence the fledging success of tree swallows.

Study examines costs, benefits of clean water measures

A group of researchers teamed up with Catherine Kling, professor of environmental, energy and resource economics, to look at the economics of clean water in the U.S.

Cornell faculty, leadership begin to tackle grand challenges

Global Grand Challenges Symposium brought together faculty, administrators and guests to discuss challenges on which Cornell should place emphasis and resources in 2019-2020.

Study reveals natural solutions to combat climate change

Annual greenhouse gas emissions from all U.S. vehicles could be absorbed by forests, wetlands and agricultural lands, according to new research.

Three new Tisch University Professors named

Three new Tisch University Professors – Nicholas Abbott, Catherine Kling and Daniel Lee – were named earlier this month by the Cornell University Board of Trustees, bringing to six the total number of current faculty carrying the honor and title.


Three-species hybrid warbler discovered

Scientists have shown that a bird found in Pennsylvania is the offspring of a hybrid warbler mother and a warbler father from an entirely different genus.

Filmmakers discuss solar power in aviation

Two filmmakers discussed their movie about the first solar-powered flight, which has implications for integration of solar power into new systems and industries.

Forum to examine sustainability and nonhuman primates

In “Apes and Sustainability,” a forum on Nov. 15, activists, scholars, scientists and humanists will explore new perspectives on preserving nonhuman great apes in sustainable ways.

Study reveals why tropical mountains are so biodiverse

The same traits that make tropical mountain species among the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth also make them more vulnerable to rapid climate changes, according to a new study. 

Severe Caribbean droughts may magnify food insecurity

Climate change is impacting the Caribbean, with millions facing increasing food insecurity and decreasing freshwater availability as droughts become more likely across the region.

Global Grand Challenges event to spark faculty dialogue

Cross-campus gathering will focus on the biggest challenges facing the world, and help determine a theme on which the university will focus in the 2019-2020 academic year.