Campus & Community
Colleges & Schools

Cornell and Harvard researchers discover mechanism that could lead to new treatments for Alzheimer's disease

An enzyme previously associated with preventing the dementia of Alzheimer's disease now appears to play an even bigger role in safeguarding against the disease, bringing the promise of new targets for drug therapies. While…

'Songbird Journeys' follows the perilous flight and fates of migratory birds

Miyoko Chu's first book, 'Songbird Journeys: Four Seasons in the Lives of Migratory Birds' (Walker and Co.), is a call to wonder and action.

Cornell librarian named a 2006 'mover and shaker'

Ira Revels, a Cornell University digital projects librarian, has been named one of Library Journal's "Movers and Shakers" for 2006. Revels, who manages the library's Historically Black College and Universities Library Alliance …

Nobel laureate leads lessons in bonding -- chemical and <br />otherwise -- in the Middle East

The students hailing from Iran, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Palestinian Authority, Syria and Jordan had never met each other. They arrived at the workshop in Petra, Jordan, with only the scantest understanding of each other…

Cornell veterinarians confirm first U.S. human case of meningitis from pig strep

Last summer, a previously healthy farmer checked into Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, N.Y., complaining of sudden fever and confusion. His pulse was racing, and he was breathing rapidly.

Working in mixed media: Sally Dutko is administrator by day and fiber artist by night

Sally Dutko calls her vibrant fiber art wall hangings "fabric paintings," and her work so impressed the jury at the 2005 Fine Arts Quilts national exhibition in Memphis last summer that she walked away with the First Place Award…

Cornell receives almost $1.8 million renewal of Mellon grant for humanities and social sciences

Based on the success of a $1.4 million program launched in 2001, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Cornell University an additional $1,785,000 over five years to continue postdoctoral fellowships and seminars in the humanities and social sciences.

University lobbyists urge support for the heart and soul of culture

Though lobbyists are suffering from an image problem these days, more than 100 academics and university representatives eagerly took on that role March 1-2 when they swarmed the halls of Congress and advocated for the humanities…

Police investigating death of Cornell freshman at University of Virginia

Police are investigating the death of Cornell freshman Matthew Tyler Pearlstone on Friday, March 17, at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. "There's not much we're prepared to say at this point. There is no cause of…

Cornell Lab of Ornithology counters famous birder's interpretation of fleeting woodpecker video

David Sibley, a renowned birder, visited Cornell's Lab of Ornithology last year to view the blurry April 2004 video of an ivory-billed woodpecker, thought to be extinct for 60 years. The four-second video is the cornerstone…

What's lurking in your refrigerator can be a 'serious public health problem,' Cornell professor says

Americans suffer from some 76 million cases of food-borne diseases (FBDs) each year. And some of the associated bacteria can have lasting health consequences, according to Kathryn Boor.

Transportation committee weighs in on Bailey Plaza renovation

The following is an abridged version of an open letter that was sent to President Hunter R. Rawlings and Provost Biddy Martin: To the editor: As the committee charged by your office to advise Cornell's administration on the…