Campus & Community
Colleges & Schools

Long-term use of non-cox-2-specific nsaids halves odds for oral cancer but doubles cardiovascular death risk, collaborative study finds

An analysis of 20 years of data on the health of over 900 adults has found that long-term use of traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen, cuts the risk for oral cancer in smokers by half.

'Wedding Crashers' crowns Ellen Dow's long career on the stage and silver and small screens

Cornell alumna Ellen Albertini Dow '35 has made a big impact on stage, screen and TV. She's in the summer hit "The Wedding Crashers" but is perhaps best known for her role as the "rappin' grandma" in the Adam Sandler film.

Jeff Morgan's global approach to preservation could bring tourism, stability to postwar Iraq

Preservationist Jeff Morgan '84 wants to make postwar Iraq as popular a destination for tourists visiting ancient sites as Peru's Machu Picchu – which attracts 1,500 people a day and brings in millions of dollars in revenues.

Nobel Laureates Affiliated with Cornell University

Forty-four Nobel Prize winners have been affiliated with Cornell University as alumni or faculty members.

Cornell's Torres helps monitor path of avian flu virus as threat to human population grows

This article is the first in a series looking at Cornell's involvement with researching, creating policy and outreach regarding avian flu. This first entry discusses an overview of the disease and international policy with Alfonso Torres.

Gap widens between working-age people with and without disabilities in the workforce, reports shows

The results of the first Annual Disability Status Reports show that the gap widened between the percentage of working-age people with disabilities who are employed and the percentage of people without disabilities who have jobs.

Q&A with David Harris: collaborating on social sciences

A conversation with sociology professor and vice provost David R. Harris, who has taken on significant leadership roles at Cornell since joining the faculty in 2003.

Beta Mannix talks about bringing Cornell's social scientists together

Beta Mannix, director of the Institute for the Social Sciences (ISS) at Cornell University, hopes the institute will bring social scientists together on campus and attract more top-flight people to the university

Weill Cornell lends hands-on help to hurricane victims

A team of physicians, paramedics and emergency medical technicians from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center's Emergency Medicine Department traveled to provide needed primary care to victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Gottschalk lecturer to discuss Romantic-era roots of our modern 'war on terror'

Gottschalk lecturer to discuss Romantic-era roots of our modern 'war on terror' Oct. 13.

Agricultural economists to hold 75th anniversary colloquium

Cornell will host the International Association of Agricultural Economists' 75th anniversary colloquium, to be held Oct. 7-9.

Panel discusses sustainable development in Southeastern Anatolia

Three speakers addressed sustainability issues in Turkey during a forum titled 'Development Issues in Southeastern Anatolia, Including GAP (the Southeastern Anatolia Project).'