Campus & Community
Colleges & Schools

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy is now major contributor to obesity in U.S., Cornell-led study finds

Women who gain more than the amount recommended during pregnancy are four times more likely to be obese one year after giving birth compared with mothers who gain within the recommended range, says a Cornell University nutritionist.

Prominent researchers, both Cornell alumni, endow accelerator physics chair, the Boyce McDaniel Professorship, at Cornell

Two prominent physicists, Cornell University alumni Helen T. Edwards and her husband, Donald A. Edwards, have endowed a chair in accelerator physics at Cornell.

Vegetable MD Online web site from Cornell provides facts and information about vegetable diseases

Is your asparagus ailing? Can your melons be suffering a malady? Find out what's hurting your corn and cucurbits at Vegetable MD Online,, a free service of the Cornell plant pathology department.

Undergrad researchers at Cornell release computer program that gives Linux users full-motion videoconferencing

Videoconferencing on a desktop computer is usually a bumpy ride. Even with a good Internet connection, most desktop video displays 15 frames per second or less, jumping and jerking like an old movie that has been cut and spliced a few hundred times.

Cornell mathematician Harry Kesten wins prestigious Steele Prize

Cornell University mathematician Harry Kesten has won the 2001 Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement.

Cornell Library's 'Making of America' web site offers its world renowned collection of 19th-century American social and cultural history

It's the next best thing to being there: Cornell University Library's Making of America (MOA) Digital Collection is a major new resource for the study of 19th-century America.

New laser technique leads to discovery of compounds that might provide treatment for cocaine poisoning

A new laser-based process to study the regulation of signal transmission between cells of the nervous system has led to the discovery of several compounds that could become the basis for a cocaine-poisoning treatment.

Rockefeller Foundation grant will enable Cornell researchers to study ways of improving agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa

The Rockefeller Foundation has given a $900,000, four-year grant to an interdisciplinary team of Cornell agriculture professors to develop a pilot Ph.D. training project for improving food security and natural resource management in southern and eastern Africa.

The civically engaged campus will be the focus of faculty symposium on service learning at Cornell Jan. 19

From setting up websites in elementary schools to assessing the affordability of quality day care to presenting a theater project on a Native American reservation, Cornell University faculty members will learn about creative approaches to service learning.

Preserving scholarly journals in digital form raises questions Cornell University Library will try to answer

When a document is "born digital," how long can it be expected to live? Will the information found on the web last week still be around next year?

Global agriculture class connects students in seven countries and across 16 time zones

On Jan. 25, students will come together for Global Seminar ALS 480, a spring semester course that examines international food issues and formulates positions on worldwide agricultural sustainability.

Is America too "economically correct?"International conference sponsored by Cornell University on work and family policy will explore "quality of life" vs. "the bottom line"

Is the United States too "economically correct?" In other words, do Americans adhere too rigidly to policies like deregulation, privatization and cutbacks in the public sphere and to a belief that the free market is the cure for all of society's ills?