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Colleges & Schools

Cornell's John Hopcroft tells Congress of the importance of investing in research and education

 Investments in research and education are essential for the nation's well-being and budget priorities should reflect that, a Cornell University engineer told a congressional panel on March 6. "There is no investment that is more essential for our nation's future well-being than investments in research and education," John E. Hopcroft, the Joseph Silbert Dean of Engineering at Cornell, told lawmakers.

Cornell reports increase in undergraduate applications

Applications for admission to Cornell for fall 1996 have reached the third-highest level in the institution's history, a 2 percent increase over last year. Applications from underrepresented minority groups, with the exception of Native Americans, also increased over last year to be at or near the highest levels for these groups in the past decade, reports Donald A. Saleh, Cornell acting dean of admissions and financial aid.

Cornell University appoints Alumni Affairs director

Mary F. Berens, a 1974 graduate of Cornell, has been appointed director of alumni affairs at the university, said Inge T. Reichenbach, vice president for alumni affairs and development. Berens succeeds James D. Hazzard, a 1950 Cornell graduate.

New York FarmNet is helping farmers, as financial management calls increase to one-third

Good news for the New York state agricultural industry: family farms are being helped, thanks in large part to FarmNet, a state-funded, Cornell University-based program. The number of financial distress calls to the program has markedly dropped, but the number of financial planning requests has increased, according to the annual statistics released by the program. There was also a substantial increase in the number of calls, overall.

Cornell's Bruce Ganem wins chemistry award

Bruce Ganem, the Franz and Elisabeth Roessler Professor of Chemistry and chair of the Chemistry Department at Cornell, has received the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society. The award, which includes a $25,000 unrestricted research grant, recognizes and encourages excellence in organic chemistry.

Cornell historian's discovery leads to greater understanding of 19th-century black America

Amos Webber (1826-1904) perhaps never intended there would be a biography written of him. After all, his life as a black man born free in the North, as a Civil War soldier, as a servant and janitor was the not an experience that captured headlines. His was a life that could be overlooked easily by historians and others who document America's past.

Cornell's Homeless Program Hosts Guest Lecture Series

Five individuals who have dedicated their lives to feeding and housing the homeless will participate in a lecture series this spring at Cornell. The lecture series is part of Cornell's Housing and Feeding the Homeless Program, which began in 1988.

Cornell's John Guckenheimer to become SIAM president in 1997

John Guckenheimer, Cornell professor of mathematics and of theoretical and applied mechanics, was selected president of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. He will begin his two-year term in January 1997.

Deadly dog virus appears in surprising species, not just dogs

For now, the epizootic that killed a third of the lions in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park is under control, according to the Cornell University veterinarian who pinned the fatal outbreak on canine distemper virus (CDV).

Cornell coordinates collaborative computer project

For the first time in textile/apparel education, students from three colleges are using computer technology and the Internet to simulate the way apparel will be designed in the near future.

New Cornell food guide pyramid and fact sheets feature

To help Northeast consumers choose foods that are not only healthful but also regional and seasonal, Cornell Cooperative Extension offers the new Northeast Regional Food Guide. Eating locally supports farmers and the local economy, protects natural resources and preserves regional farmland, said Jennifer Wilkins, Ph.D., R.D., senior extension associate in Cornel's Division of Nutritional Sciences and author of the materials with Jennifer Bokaer-Smith, nutrition graduate student.

New summer program introduces college students to international business

Glenn Altschuler encounters it a lot these days: the fear among undergraduate students, particularly in the liberal arts, that they won't be sufficiently "marketable" upon graduation. In response, the dean of Cornell's School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions and other administrators and faculty have created the Summer Program in International Business, an eight-week curriculum that will give students in fields ranging from anthropology to electrical engineering a hands-on introduction to the business world.