Weill Cornell Medical College refutes New York Times article on cancer research

Weill Cornell Medical College has refuted an article in The New York Times alleging that two researchers did not fully disclose that their research on CT screening for the early detection of lung cancer was partially funded by a tobacco company.

The Hartwell Foundation awards Cornell University researchers $1 million

Three Cornell researchers will receive Hartwell awards for their cutting-edge research to benefit children: Charles Glatt and Anjali Rajadhyaksha of Weill Cornell Medical College and John March in Ithaca. (April 3, 2008)

Cornell robot fails to break a record, but students learn

An attempt to set an unofficial world record for how far a robot could walk failed the night of March 30, but the team keeps trying. (April 2, 2008)

Stem rust, a biblical wheat plague, now threatens consumers on a global scale

After decades of relative quiet, black stem rust fungus has emerged again in a virulent new form for which 90 percent of the world's wheat varieties have no resistance. (April 2, 2008)

Three rising stars in engineering receive <br />DARPA awards for 'high-risk' research

Lenses and prisms for electron waves, combined mechanical and optical oscillators and terahertz frequency generators are 'high-risk' projects at Cornell receiving DARPA Young Faculty Awards. (April 1, 2008)

Birders help Great Backyard Bird Count set records

More checklists submitted and more species identified than ever before made this year's Great Backyard Bird Count a banner year.

Retirees on the move are 'grey gold' and a bit of the blues for rural towns, Cornell research finds

Retirees who move to rural areas often have a positive impact on local economies, but they also drive up housing prices and can have other negative effects, Cornell research finds. (March 26, 2008)

McEuen and Ralph put new spin on quantum computing in carbon nanotubes

Researchers hoping to use carbon nanotubes for quantum computing -- in which the spin of a single electron would represent a bit of data -- may have to change their approaches, Cornell physicists say. (March 26, 2008)

Higher education should not be seen as interest group, but as problem solver, Skorton tells national media

President David Skorton tells national reporters that higher education, especially in science and math, must be looked at as a problem solver and not as a separate interest group.