Maple weekends could be two months earlier by 2080, say Cornell researchers studying effects of climate on industry

This year, Maple Weekend is March 29-30, but by 2080, it could be as early as Jan. 29-30 in northern New York, say climate change experts. (March 24, 2008)

Chemical engineering assistant professor DeLisa wins inaugural Wang award

Matthew DeLisa, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, has received the inaugural Daniel I.C. Wang Award, sponsored by John Wiley & Sons Inc. and by the journal Biotechnology and Bioengineering. (March 19, 2008)

Wanted: Volunteers to measure rain, sleet and snow in their backyards

State weather watchers are looking for amateur weather buffs to measure and record the daily precipitation that falls in their backyards. Training for volunteers will be held March 29 at Cornell. (March 18, 2008)

Cornell Library will help researchers meet new NIH rules for public access

Researchers with funding from the National Institutes of Health soon will be required to put copies of peer-reviewed publications in an online open-access repository. Cornell Library is offering help to comply with the new requirement. (March 17, 2008)

Einaudi Center grants fund research on African nutrition, Egyptian cinema and more

The breadth of grant proposals from a broad spectrum of academic disciplines reflects the scope and quality of international engagement on the Cornell campus. (March 14, 2008)

Cornell sets record for creating high-frequency microresonator in silicon

Cornell scientists are pushing the upper limits of microresonator frequency with a device that generates a 4.5 gigahertz signal, the highest ever achieved in silicon. (March 13, 2008)

Managed-care organizations are less effective in securing hospital discounts

Examining data for 1990 to 2003, Cornell Professor William White and other researchers found that discounts secured by managed-care organizations declined between 2001 and 2003. (March 13, 2008)

Research on multiple sclerosis and protecting skin in frigid temperatures are highlights of BioExpo 2008

The student-run 2008 Annual Bioengineering Expo at Cornell, on March 5, featured a career fair, poster session, refreshments, speakers and a research poster competition.

Architecture studio to visit 2010 World Cup sites in Johannesburg, South Africa

A Cornell Master in Architecture program studio will visit the 2010 World Cup sites in conjunction with their design projects addressing the challenges of a global event for its host country.