Genetic discovery can boost the provitamin A content of Africa's maize

A new study has identified a set of genetic variants in maize that accounts for levels of vitamin A precursors among varieties. The discovery could lead to at least tripling provitamin A levels in maize in Africa, where millions go blind due to vitamin A deficiency. (Jan. 17, 2008)

Neutron stars can be more massive, while black holes are more rare, Arecibo Observatory finds

Neutron stars can be considerably more massive than previously believed, and it is more difficult to form black holes, according to new research developed by using the Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. (Jan. 17, 2008)

Cornell to share $5.5 million federal grant with Yale for study of major cereal crops

Cornell and Yale universities will share a $5.5 million, four-year grant from the National Science Foundation for research to better understand the biology of rice, maize and sorghum, among other crops. (Jan. 16, 2008)

Campus researchers discover a novel player in how plants protect themselves

Researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research on Cornell's campus have identified a crucial player in the defense network that allows plants to respond to pathogens. (Jan. 16, 2008)

Cornell receives almost $2 million from New York state for stem cell research

Cornell University received two one-year institutional development grants for stem cell research from the state of New York as part of $14.5 million in similar awards granted statewide Jan. 7. (Jan. 16, 2008)

Arecibo telescope finds critical ingredients for the soup of life in a galaxy far, far away

Astronomers from Cornell's Arecibo Observatory radio telescope have detected the molecules methanimine and hydrogen cyanide -- two ingredients that build life-forming amino acids -- in a galaxy some 250 light years away. (Jan. 14, 2008)

Chaos and commerce: Researchers find that Colombia's violence has damaged the nation's economic growth

Wesley Sine and Shon Hiatt have spent the last few years studying the impact of violence on the small-business climate of Colombia, concluding that instability directly affects entrepreneurs' ability to prosper.

Cornell to study garbage truck traffic in Tompkins County

At the request of the Upstate Citizens Safety Task Force, the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs will conduct a study on the impact of heavy trucks transporting garbage along New York State Route 89. (Jan. 10, 2008)

Nano gridiron: CU physicists create tiny trophy to be awarded on Super Bowl Sunday

The prize in the 'Nano Bowl' contest, which challenges entrants to create short videos about the physics of football, will award the world's smallest trophy, made by Cornell University nanotechnology experts. (Jan. 9, 2008)