Small grants awarded to social scientists
By George Lowery
The Institute for the Social Sciences (ISS) has announced the recipients of its biannual small grant award for interdisciplinary research and conference support.
The fall 2009 recipients and their projects are:
- Chris Anderson and Sheryl Kimes, hotel; Amr Farahat, Johnson School; and Huseyin Topaloglu, engineering, "2010 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference at Cornell";
- Ed Baptist, history; and three researchers at Binghamton University, "International Seminar for the Study of the Second Slavery";
- Vicki Bogan and David Just, applied economics and management; and Chekitan Dev, hotel, "Team Diversity and Financial Decision Making";
- Rebecca Givan, Peter Lazes and William Sonnenstuhl, ILR, "An International Healthcare Reform Conference: From the White House to the Workplace";
- James Hesford, hotel, "The Effects of Incentive Framing and Probabilistic Management Audits on Fraudulent Behavior";
- Sarosh Kuruvilla, ILR, "Employment Practices of Multinationals in Comparative Context";
- Tamar Kushnir, human development, "Who Knows Best: Preschoolers' Causal Learning From Experts in Light of Their Own Play Experience;"
- Barbara Lust, human development; Alexander Immerman, Cornell Language Acquisition Lab; and two researchers in Boston, "Contrasting Language in Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease and in Healthy Elderly: Stage Two of a Pilot Study";
- Andrew Mertha, government, "Rectification, Thought Reform, and Political Education in Khmer Rouge Liberated Zones (1970-1975) and Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979)";
- Sara Pritchard, science and technology studies; and two researchers in Norway, "Bringing STS into Environmental History";
- Mats Rooth and Draga Zec, linguistics, "Support for organizing a Workshop on Grammar Induction";
- Steven Sangren, anthropology, "Application for Funding for Preliminary Research on Local Product (Techan) Specialization in China and Taiwan";
- Sharon Sassler, policy analysis and management (PAM), "A Mini-Conference on Gender Inequality in Science, Math, Engineering, and Behavioral Science Occupations";
- Stephan Schmidt, city and regional planning, and a researcher in Colorado, "Perceptions of "Publicness" in NYC's Privately Owned Public Spaces";
- Mike Silver and Ann Forsyth, architecture, art and planning, "Computing a Sustainable Future: Fabrication, Ecology and Simulation in the Age of Global Climate Change";
- Kosali Simon, PAM, "Health Insurance and Changes in Marital Status"; and
- Anna Marie Smith, government, "'Citizenship Effects,' 'Interest Convergence,' and Interest Group Litigants' Strategy: Campaign for Fiscal Equity v. State of New York."
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