Kleinberg, Liepe receive Sloan fellowships
By Bill Steele
Two Cornell faculty members have been awarded fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Robert Kleinberg '97, assistant professor of computer science, and Matthias Liepe, assistant professor of physics.
Kleinberg received his Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2005 and joined the Cornell faculty in 2006. He studies the mathematical foundations of algorithm design, especially questions regarding what can or can't be computed given limited access to information about a problem. He will apply the Sloan Fellowship to study how computers can learn from experience. This particularly applies to network routing where computers often must make decisions about how to route traffic without knowing the condition of the entire network.
Liepe came to Cornell in 2001 as a researcher and joined the faculty two years ago. His research focuses on accelerator physics and the physics of radio-frequency superconductors used in accelerators. He studies a variety of physics problems that must be solved in order to develop Cornell's proposed Energy Recovery Linac, as well as proposed linear accelerators elsewhere. He is a member of the Cornell Superconducting Radio Frequency group, a world leader in the application of radio frequency superconductivity in high-energy particle accelerators.
Sloan fellowships are awarded to scientists who show outstanding promise early in their careers of making fundamental contributions to new knowledge, and consist of $50,000 distributed over two years.
More than 600 nominations each year are reviewed to arrive at a final selection of 118 fellows.
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