Cornell Police ask for help in investigation

Cornell Police investigators are asking members of the campus community, especially those who park in lots on the east end of campus, for help in tracking down a person who has been placing malicious messages on cars.

Since September, 21 small stickers have been taped on cars, most of them parked near the Teaching and Research Barns or in lots off Judd Falls Road near Morrison and Bradfield halls. Some stickers have been placed in Mann Library. The most recent incident occurred Feb. 2, when a sticker was placed on the north side of Emerson Hall.

The stickers contain messages insulting to immigrants, gays and multiculturalists.

"We are taking this case very seriously," said Cornell Police Chief William G. Boice.

Cornell Police are asking anyone with any information about these incidents to call investigators Karen Smith at 255-0334 or David Fisher at 254-4743. All information will be kept confidential.

Also, investigators ask that persons be vigilant, especially in parking lots on east campus, and immediately report any suspicious activity to campus police from the nearest blue light phone.

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