Reunioners can revel in new ice cream flavor
By Stacey Shackford

David and Mary Call, both of the Class of 1954, are proposing a new Big Red Ambition, alumni edition. Topping their bucket list of things every Cornellian should do: visit the new Dairy Bar to sample a special ice cream flavor they helped develop.
With a white chocolate base and tart cherry swirl, the color of Big Red Reunion Revel appealed to David Call’s school pride. Its smooth flavor and chocolate chunks appealed to the palette of Mary Call, who declared it “scrumptious.”
“I could get hooked on this,” her husband said as he sampled the first batch.
It’s not the first time David Call has been involved in culinary creation. A flavor was made in his honor while he was dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (1978-95), and he thought it would be a fitting way to celebrate his 60-year reunion; he and Mary are co-chairs of the class’s reunion committee.
They wanted to build the Big Red Reunion Revel flavor around New York products. Dairy is one of the state’s biggest industries, and farmers grow nearly 6 million pounds of tart cherries each year.
“Order ice cream at the Dairy Bar” is No. 12 on the The Cornell Daily Sun’s list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, but alumni haven’t been able to indulge during the last four years, as the beloved spot was closed while Stocking Hall underwent a $105 million renovation.
The home of the Department of Food Science reopened this fall, and alumni will tour the facility during Reunion Weekend, June 5-8.
The 150 members of the Class of 1954 who are expected to attend will be the first to try the new flavor during a class lunch Friday, June 6. All alumni are then invited to stop by Stocking Hall for scoops of Big Red Reunion Revel and other favorite flavors.
They can also watch the ice cream being made in the new glass-fronted Dairy Plant, which will be open 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday (tours 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.). It is one of the rare occasions that the Dairy Plant will be operating on a weekend, according to manager Jason Huck.
“We are so proud of this building, and we want to show it off,” Mary Call said. “And now we get to top it off with this special dessert.”
Cornell’s newest alumni will also enjoy a sweet treat. Cornell Dairy ice cream is set to make a triumphant return to Commencement, with 2,400 cups of vanilla and 1,600 cups of chocolate ready for the president’s reception.
“It’s going to be a phenomenal graduation and reunion,” Huck said.
Stacey Shackford is a staff writer for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
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