From the rooftops of Cornell’s proposed North Campus Residential Expansion, the university hopes to gather enough solar energy to offset electricity use, create energy and reduce its carbon footprint.
As Cornell considers geothermal heat to warm campus, an Icelandic engineer told a green backstory for how his country abandoned coal and then set standards to achieve blue-ribbon blue skies.
The Senior Leaders Climate Action Group's report includes a financial analysis and feasibility study that would allow the university to make decisions based on costs and benefits in the context of its academic mission.
Cornell's Senior Leaders Climate Action Group will host a public forum March 28 to discuss "Options for Achieving a Carbon Neutral Campus by 2035" from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Hotel Ithaca.
Cornell was recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Center for Resource Solutions with the Leadership in Green Power Education Award Oct. 10.
A mock-up of exterior materials for North Campus Residential Expansion facilities was installed this week on the south field opposite Mews Hall to allow project designers to visualize aesthetic options for the new buildings.
The Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future's Academic Venture Fund awarded $1.8 million in 2017, with 15 grants to seed novel approaches to some of the world's greatest sustainability challenges.
In her fourth State of the University Address, Cornell President Martha E. Pollack announced that two residence halls will be named for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ’54 and Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison, M.A. ’55.
Karen Pinkus, professor of Romance studies and comparative literature, has written "Fuel: A Speculative Dictionary," to scramble our thinking about fuel as distinct from energy.
Cornell’s shared governance groups are considering resolutions related to the divestment of fossil fuel-related holdings from the university’s endowment.
A conference in Hong Kong April 6-7 brought together 80 researchers and practitioners in Asia and the United States to share sustainable practices and solutions.
With a plan to harness the wind, sun, water and the Earth’s heat, a panel from the Senior Leaders Climate Action Group explained to the Cornell community Oct. 31 how the campus could become carbon neutral by 2035.