Akwe:kon Press prospers in its 15th year at CU

Now in its 15th year, the Akwe:kon Press at Cornell is feeling the momentum of an unparalleled surge in the field of Native American communications. At least 200 magazines now address indigenous issues and there are 600 Native American newspapers in the United States alone.

In an increasingly competitive market, Akwe:kon's reputation has never been better. Its quarterly publication, Native Americas, garnered six media awards this year at the 1999 Native American Journalists Association's annual awards ceremony in Seattle, including the best magazine design, won by Production Manager Brendan White. This year Akwe:kon welcomed new managing editor Leslie Logan, whose background in indigenous development and communications also strengthens the staff.

Akwe:kon received a $200,000 MacArthur Foundation grant to continue providing one-year subscriptions to Native students and opinion leaders. Currently, 2,000 to 4,000 Native students and opinion leaders are on the sponsored subscription list.

The grant also allows the press to launch a Library Initiative campaign to generate 2,000 to 3,000 new library subscribers.

The press also is on its third year of a multi-year grant from the Lannan Foundation.

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