Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance's 'Cards that Care' fund-raiser is May 1-5

From Monday, May 1, through Thursday, May 4, the Cornell Women's Resource Center will hold its annual "Cards that Care" fund-raiser to support the Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance (IBCA) and its efforts to increase education and advocacy for people affected by breast cancer in Tompkins County and the surrounding area.

The cards, commemorating Mother's Day, will be sold for $3 each day on Ho Plaza, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and at the Noyes and Robert Purcell Community Centers on campus, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. In addition, cards will be sold off campus at Collegetown Bagels on College Avenue, The Oak, Harvest Deli and the Women's Community Building.

The Cornell Women's Resource Center hopes to involve the community, women and men, in the fund-raiser to show their support and raise money for IBCA.

"IBCA provides an important service to our community," said Candace Rypisi, director of the Cornell Women's Resource Center. "It was established for the sole purpose of providing information, support and advocacy to women and their families. IBCA also provides educational and internship opportunities that benefit the entire Cornell community. It would be very powerful to see Cornellians support this important issue."

Kit Meyers and Jeanne Teng are the Cornell student coordinators of the effort. "This is a great way to show how much you care about your mother and other women in your life, as well as support a worthy agency," said Teng. "We will even put on the postage and send them for people!"

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