Chances for a white Thanksgiving are good in upstate New York and portions of New England

While Thanksgiving (Nov. 27) falls late this year, the best chances for snow on Turkey Day occur in upstate New York and portions of New England, according to Keith Eggleston, a senior climatologist with Cornell University's Northeast Regional Climate Center.

For travelers, there is a 50 percent chance of measurable snow in Caribou, Maine, on Nov. 26, the day before Thanksgiving, while there is a 70 percent chance of snow in Caribou on Thanksgiving. Boonville, N.Y., northeast of Syracuse, N.Y., at the foot of the Adirondack Mountains, has a 73 percent chance for a white Thanksgiving. Burlington, Vt., and Buffalo, N.Y., have 30 percent chances of measurable snow on Thanksgiving eve, while Binghamton, N.Y., has a one-in-five chance of snow on Nov. 26 and a 30 percent chance of seeing snow on the ground on Thanksgiving.

Eggleston based predictions on a 30-year average of Northeast snowfall, 1971 to 2000.

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