Johannes Gehrke named an associate director of Cornell Theory Center

ITHACA, N.Y. -- Johannes Gehrke, assistant professor of computer science at Cornell University, has been named a faculty associate director of the Cornell Theory Center (CTC).

"Johannes is not new to the center," said Thomas Coleman, CTC director and professor of computer science and applied mathematics. "He has already helped in significant ways with many CTC initiatives over the last several years; this appointment is, in part, recognition of a growing and positive relationship. It also recognizes his international research reputation, strong leadership potential and effective collaboration skills. Our team is now deeper and stronger."

In the two-year appointment, which began July 1, Gehrke will provide leadership to CTC's data-intensive computing initiative, participate in and help further define CTC's corporate outreach efforts and serve as principal investigator for appropriate initiatives.

"CTC has established itself as a leader in high-performance computing (HPC)," said Gehrke. "Traditionally HPC was a solution for problems that needed lots of raw processor cycles, but today we see HPC solutions being applied for data intensive problems. I am excited about joining CTC to work on projects involving HPC data management and data mining."

Gehrke has presented workshops at CTC's Manhattan office and has worked on various projects jointly with the center in the past. He joined Cornell's faculty in 1999 after earning a doctorate in computer science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

CTC is a high-performance computing and interdisciplinary research center that operates an Intel/Windows cluster complex consisting of more than 1,500 processors and Unisys ES7000 servers. Scientific and engineering projects supported by CTC represent a vast variety of disciplines, including bioinformatics and computational biology, behavioral and social sciences, computer science, engineering, finance, geosciences, mathematics, physical sciences and business.

Related World Wide Web sites: The following sites provide additional information on this news release. Some might not be part of the Cornell University community, and Cornell has no control over their content or availability.

o Cornell Theory Center:

o CTC High-Performance Solutions:

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