Bring a child to work April 24

Chocolate, flowers, desktop publishing, the armed services, law, astronomy, virtual reality and the visual arts are a few of the sessions that children participating in this year's Bring a Child to Work Day, April 24, can attend. Registration begins April 1.

Bring a Child to Work Day is an opportunity for children, ages 8-16, to visit the Cornell campus and explore interests and careers by participating in activities, discussing work-life balance issues and seeing what their parents, relatives and friends do at their jobs at Cornell.

The day is modeled after the Ms. Foundation's "Bring Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day," whose motto is "change the way the world works."

Registration closes April 14, but interested adults are encouraged to register early as sessions fill up quickly. A full listing of sessions and more information will be available as of March 24 at the Office of Human Resources Web site.

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