Four alumnae honored by Sphinx Head society

Four alumnae were recently elected honorary members of Sphinx Head, Cornell's oldest senior honor society "for their outstanding leadership and distinguished service to the university."

These newly inducted honorary members are:

  • Alice Katz Berglas '66 has been president or co-president of her class since 1996 and has chaired or co-chaired her last five class reunions. She also has worked with the Cornell Association of Class Officers and as a Cornell alumni admissions ambassador on the University Council. Berglas is an active supporter of the Big Red Band, co-hosting the Sy Katz Parade, which takes place in New York City every other year.
  • Myra Maloney Hart '62, who recently retired from the faculty of Harvard Business School, has been a member of the President's Council of Cornell Women (PCCW) since 1992, the University Council and the Cornell Board of Trustees. She is also a presidential councilor and a foremost benefactor of Cornell.
  • Judith H. Monson '69, vice consul at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, has been a member of the PCCW since 1989 and chaired it in 1989-91. She has also served three terms on the University Council and was a university trustee. She has been active on the Hotel Ezra Cornell board and Cornell Clubs of New York and Washington, D.C.
  • Rebecca Quinn Morgan '60, president of the Morgan Family Foundation and a former California state senator, is a founding member of PCCW. She has served as a university trustee, co-chair of Cornell's Major Gifts Committee and is a presidential councilor. She endowed the Rebecca Q. Morgan '60 Head Coach of Women's Basketball position, and she and her husband endowed the James C. and Rebecca Q. Morgan Dean of Human Ecology position, as well as a professorship, a graduate teaching assistantship and a Cornell Tradition fellowship in the College of Human Ecology.

Each year Sphinx Head taps members of the junior and senior class who have distinguished themselves in leadership and service to the university. Criteria for honorary membership in the society include significant personal and/or professional accomplishment, outstanding leadership, distinguished service to the university and interest in and commitment to undergraduate student life and development.


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Simeon Moss