Four professors collaborate with small businesses in JumpStart program

Four New York small businesses have been selected to receive JumpStart awards with the Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR) for the fall semester.

The CCMR JumpStart program is funded by the New York State Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR) to help small New York businesses develop and improve their products through university collaborations. JumpStart projects receive up to $5,000 in matching funds for project costs, including the services of faculty and their research staff, facilities services and materials. Since 2005, 27 companies have benefited from the program.

"This summer we again received a number of strong applications, from which these four excellent projects were selected by the JumpStart review board. We are confident that these new collaborations will benefit the participating companies, faculty and students, and support economic growth in New York state as mandated by NYSTAR," said John Sinnott, CCMR industrial programs manager.

This semester's projects:

Applications for spring 2010 projects are now being accepted at the CCMR Web site at

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Joe Schwartz