Individual retirement sessions at East Hill Plaza, Day Hall and Vet College provide greater accessibility

Representatives from Fidelity Investments, ING and TIAA-CREF are holding personal retirement appointments at East Hill Plaza in addition to the appointments you can schedule with TIAA/CREF and Fidelity representatives in Day Hall and the ING representative at the Vet College.

These trained representatives will review retirement accounts and help you plan for your future. They will discuss savings strategies, asset allocation and other planning for your financial security.

All East Hill Plaza meetings, noted below, will take place in the second-floor conference room at the Recruitment and Employment Center, Division of Human Resources.

To schedule an appointment, call the phone numbers below for each vendor:

Fidelity, 1-800-642-7131, Nov. 24, Dec. 11

ING, 1-888-883-6320, Nov. 16, Dec. 15

TIAA-CREF, 1-800-732-8353, Nov. 3, Nov. 18, Dec. 1, Dec. 16

Please call the same numbers to schedule an appointment in Day Hall or at the Vet College. These contact numbers are also listed on the Web:

Media Contact

Joe Schwartz