Business Insider names Cornell No. 10 'best college' in America for careers
By Susan Kelley
Cornell comes in at No. 10 among the 50 best colleges in America, according to Business Insider's 2011 rankings. Cornell received the same ranking in Business Insider's 2010 survey.
The score is based on a survey of 1,273 Business Insider readers in October and November 2010. The survey asked readers to rate 70 colleges and universities on a scale of 1 to 4 (1 being worst and 4 best), based on how much the readers believe attending the school helps a graduate's career. Criteria included the degree to which the school: teaches students to be independent thinkers who can express themselves, grants an "impressive" degree and connects students to an influential alumni network. Cornell scored 3.28 out of 4.
Most of the respondents -- 64 percent -- were between 21 and 40 years of age. The most popular schools attended by survey takers included University of California schools, Cornell, Princeton and the University of Michigan.
Business Insider is a website that aggregates online news articles about the financial, media and technology industries, as well as articles on politics, sports and lifestyles.
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