New faculty speaker series begins with dual career talk

A new faculty speaker series focused on the latest research and thinking on the integration of life and career priorities will kick off with Beth A. Livingston, Cornell assistant professor of human resource studies, Nov. 18, 12:15-1 p.m., 423 ILR Conference Center. Livingston will share her research and insights into negotiations between dual career spouses/partners to determine career precedence and distribution of household responsibilities.

Livingston received her Ph.D. in organizational behavior/management in 2009 from the University of Florida and her MBA, B.A. and B.B.A. from the University of Kentucky. Her research interests lie primarily in gender and work/family issues, with additional interests in discrimination, diversity and stereotypes. She has published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Zeitschrift für Arbeits und Organistionspsychologie, and the Handbook of Organizational Behavior. Her research has also been featured in the Washington Post, The New York Times and Newsweek, and she has been interviewed on ABC News Now and the Fox News Channel.

While the faculty speaker series has been created to address concerns common among academics, staff, students and retirees are also welcome. The programs will also be available through CornellCast.

Future talks have been scheduled for February, March and April. The faculty series is sponsored by the Department of Inclusion and Workforce Diversity.

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Joe Schwartz