Vehicles with hand controls available through Fleet Services

Fleet Services has purchased two vehicles that have been modified for drivers who require hand controls to lease for official university business. Sally Compton, administrative assistant, and Bob Larry, mechanic, in Fleet Services, Facilities Services, consulted with LaWanda Cook, an extension associate with the Employment and Disability Institute in ILR, to determine what modifications would best meet the needs of Cornell employees.

"I travel about 65 percent of the time for my work," said Cook. "Having a Cornell Fleet car that is modified provides me the same privileges as other employees. The vehicle modifications available through commercial rental car companies do not meet my needs."

Working with an area car dealer who had experience in accessibility-modification orders, Cook, Compton and Larry determined that a van with a sliding door would provide the greatest accessibility, both for the driver and for storage of a wheelchair.

Prior to the purchase of the modified Toyota Sienna vans, those who relied upon a modified vehicle for their travel needs would often use their personal vehicle for university business. The modifications made to the new vans include an extended parking brake, a steering knob and a hand-operated control for gas and brake. They also include a lock to prevent those who are not appropriately trained and licensed to use those controls. The modifications are easily adapted so that when groups of co-workers travel together, employees who do not need them can share in the driving.

Cook said, "I don't know how many people on campus have physical disabilities, but for those who are here, and for those who will be part of the Cornell community in the future, the availability of the modified vehicles may increase their interest in different employment opportunities here, including jobs that require a significant amount of driving."

For more information on leasing a vehicle, including a vehicle modified for hand-control driving, visit Fleet Services online or call 255-3247.

Media Contact

Joe Schwartz