Crocheting, geometry garners math book prize
By Anne Ju
Daina Taimina, adjunct associate professor of mathematics, has received the Euler Book Prize from the Mathematical Association of America.
The prize, which recognizes authors of books "with a positive impact on the public's view of mathematics," praised Taimina's 2009 work "Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes." In the book, Taimina describes bringing her crafty expertise into the classroom by crocheting hyperbolic surfaces to illustrate non-Euclidean geometry.
"The book is unlike any previously considered for the Euler Prize," the association's press release states. "Indeed, it is unlike any book on hyperbolic geometry previously written, and it is in a different universe from any book on crochet previously written. But, when you look at it, the idea makes such perfect sense that it seems inevitable."
Taimina has been on the Cornell faculty since 2007.
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