Nearly 60 Cornell grads join Teach for America
Fifty-nine Cornell graduates have joined the incoming corps of Teach for America this year, making Cornell the ninth-biggest contributor of new teachers this year among top colleges and universities of its size.
Cornell has ranked among the top contributing colleges and universities of its size for the past five years. Seven percent of Cornell's graduating seniors applied to Teach for America this year. Throughout the program's 22-year history, 518 Cornell alumni have taught as corps members.
This fall, more than 10,000 corps members are teaching in 46 urban and rural regions across the country, while nearly 28,000 Teach for America alumni are working to ensure that all children have access to an excellent education.
Teach for America works in partnership with communities to expand educational opportunities for children facing the challenges of poverty. Founded in 1990, Teach for America recruits and develops a diverse corps of outstanding individuals of all academic disciplines to commit two years to teach in high-need schools and become leaders in the movement to end educational inequity.
Teach for America receives funding from businesses, foundations, government organizations and individuals in the regions where corps members teach. It is a member of the national service network AmeriCorps. Corps members are eligible to receive loan forbearance and interest payment on qualified student loans, and an education award of $4,725 at the end of each year of service.
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