Janna Lamey named assistant dean of student life for Graduate School

Janna Lamey, currently the manager of the Office of Graduate Education in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell, will join the Graduate School as the new assistant dean of student life, effective Oct. 8.

Lamey will develop and coordinate student life activities and events that are designed to build and sustain a vibrant and supportive graduate and professional student community. Partnering with offices throughout campus, including the Graduate School's Big Red Barn Graduate and Professional Student Center and Office of Inclusion and Professional Development, the Office of the Dean of Students and the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, Lamey will develop programming that focuses on healthy student life -- including stress management, sense of community and life-academic balance -- and will meet with individual students to support their personal development. As the liaison for crisis and community support related to the nonacademic needs of graduate and professional students, Lamey will coordinate with the associate dean for academic and student affairs on academic issues.

"Janna ... has exceptional experience and dedicated service in higher education, and she understands the graduate and professional education environment here at Cornell," said Barbara A. Knuth, vice provost and dean of the Graduate School.

A recipient of Cornell's George Peter Award for Dedicated Service, Lamey joins the Graduate School with extensive experience in graduate education, including program planning, crisis management, and advising students and faculty on confidential matters. In her current position in the Vet School, Lamey has served more than 150 graduate students, 100 faculty members, five graduate fields and three distinct programs. She earned her B.S. in health sciences and M.S in health education from SUNY Cortland.

"With her enthusiasm and dedication to students, it is wonderful to have Janna join the Graduate School," said Jan Allen, associate dean of academic and student affairs.

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Joe Schwartz