Dump and Run seeks donations to benefit local charities

Cornell 11th annual Dump and Run program seeks donations of clothing, furniture, nonperishable food and other useful items through June 1. Donations will be resold in August at a large community sale to benefit local nonprofit organizations.
Last year’s Dump and Run program collected about 20 tons of reusable items and raised more than $50,000.
Dump and Run collection bins can be found in all undergraduate residential buildings, cooperative residences, graduate housing communities, sororities, fraternities and community centers, and in the College of Veterinary Medicine, Anabel Taylor Hall, Day Hall, Willard Straight Hall and Humphreys Service Building.
Dump and Run volunteers are available to pick up donations off campus; arrangements can be made by emailing dumpandrun@cornell.edu, with at least three days notice, beginning May 14.
Donations of nearly all useful items are accepted, including shoes, organizational units, working appliances and electronics, furniture, sporting goods, coat hangers, decorations, new toiletries, nonperishable food and text books. The program does not accept mattresses, pillows, underwear, socks or anything broken.
This year’s Dump and Run sale will take place during Orientation, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 24-25, in Helen Newman Gym. Proceeds will benefit Cops, Kids and Toys; Loaves and Fishes; Shelter Outreach Services; Greater Ithaca Activities Center; Finger Lakes ReUse; and the Cornell United Way Student Campaign. The sale is free and open.
Since Cornell’s Dump and Run program began in 2003, it has contributed nearly $250,000 to Ithaca-area charities, and donated many tons of reusable goods to local human service agencies.
For more information about the program or about volunteering, visit Cornell’s Dump and Run website or email dumpandrun@cornell.edu.
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