Deadline to nominate staff for three awards is Sept. 9

Nominations by faculty or staff members are being accepted through Sept. 9 for two employee awards – the Individual Excellence Award and the Management Award – as well as a new President’s Award for Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion.

Individual Excellence Awards will be presented to two Cornell staff members who consistently demonstrate a high level of commitment and dedication to the university’s values and Skills for Success, have a positive impact on their work environment, are motivated and flexible in their work, and foster cooperation and collaboration among their peers and supervisors.

Management Awards will be presented to two Cornell staff supervisors, managers or directors who demonstrate the university’s values and Leadership Skills for Success. The nominee should create an inclusive environment that develops, empowers, engages, challenges and motivates his/her staff, resulting in greater productivity and effectiveness.

Nominees for the Individual Excellence and Management Awards are eligible to be considered for the President’s Award, “Far Above Cayuga’s Waters,” for leaders who promote the university’s values; demonstrate inclusiveness, collaboration and respect; and further the mission of Cornell University through strategic planning and leadership.

The new President’s Award for Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion recognizes the accomplishments of a staff member, manager or supervisor who has advanced diversity through their exemplary work. The winner will be a staff member, manager or supervisor who has demonstrated the university commitment to diversity and inclusion as reflected in the Toward New Destinations diversity framework and the values of inclusion outlined in Cornell’s Skills for Success.

Nominees for all awards will be announced later this fall; recipients will receive a monetary award. All nominees will be invited to a luncheon with Interim President Hunter Rawlings and Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Mary Opperman.

Nominee criteria and nomination forms for the Individual and Management Excellence Awards and the President’s Award for Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion can be found at the High Five Awards for Excellence website.

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Melissa Osgood