Julia DeNey ’20 demonstrates the hidden functions of a sweatshirt in the exhibit.

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Sensory-friendly fashion exhibit brings awareness and empathy

Most exhibits feature signs warning visitors not to touch the displays. But in the Sensory Friendly and Adaptive Fashion exhibit, visitors are encouraged to touch, fidget and experience both positive and negative stimuli.

The new exhibit is part of Cornell’s Neurodiversity Celebration Week, March 18-22, campus-wide events designed to increase awareness, understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity, challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences and ultimately help create a more inclusive and equitable Cornell community.

“We want the public to understand more about neurodiversity and the needs of neurodivergent people while seeing the whole person,” said Florencia Ardon, neurodivergent student support program manager in Cornell’s Learning Strategies Center. “To appreciate all of the positives that come with certain neurotypes and also the inherent disability.”

Read more on the Cornell Human Ecology website...

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