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NPR’s David Folkenflik ’91 talks ‘Freedom of Expression’

As media correspondent for NPR, David Folkenflik ’91 has to respond to breaking news regardless of what else he’s doing, and that necessity didn’t change just because he was on campus as this year's Zubrow Distinguished Visiting Journalist for the College of Arts and Sciences.

David Folkenflik '91, this year's Zubrow Distinguished Visiting Journalist for the College of Arts and Sciences.

But despite managing two major stories he still made it to every stop on a packed schedule that included meetings with faculty, class visits, a public event on dissident writers and a tour of the Rare and Manuscript Collection conducted by University Archivist Evan Earle. 

Students had multiple opportunities to hear from and interact with Folkenflik, including an “Inside Journalism” Q&A with Cornell Daily Sun reporter Sofia Rubinson, hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences’ (A&S) Career Development office, and a conversation on “Law and Media in the 2024 Election Cycle” with Prof. Gautam Hans at the Law School.

At the end of his campus visit, Folkenflik spoke with the Chronicle about his experience and offered reflections on the university’s Freedom of Expression theme year.

Read the interview on the College of Arts and Sciences website.

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