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Colleges & Schools

Researchers identify protein sensor that plays role in lung fibrosis

Researchers have discovered a protein called SEL1L that plays a critical role in clearing collagen from tissue, and which may be a therapeutic target to help prevent fibrosis, scar tissue that interferes with organ function. 

Course helps instructors foster free expression in class

With the Intergroup Dialogue Project, instructors learned skills to facilitate in-class communication across difference – skills participants said are vital to maintaining a democratic society. 

Lyrebird synchronizes elements of its mating dance

To woo a mate, the Albert’s lyrebird of Australia shakes entangled vines as part of his courtship footwork, synchronizing each shake with the beat of his striking song, according to new research.

A.D. White professor addresses threats to democracy

Theda Skocpol, Harvard scholar and A.D. White Professor-at-Large at Cornell, will present the public lecture “Rising Threats to U.S. Democracy – Roots and Responses” on April 9.

Around Cornell

‘A completely different game’: Faculty, students harness AI in the classroom

Faculty members are finding creative ways to deal with generative AI in their courses. Winners of Cornell’s 2024 Teaching Innovation Awards will discuss their approaches on April 11.

Nabokov celebrated for crossing arts/science boundaries

Campus and community members celebrated the environmental and literary legacies of former Cornell professor Vladimir Nabokov during events on campus March 14 and 15.

Around Cornell

Statistical machine learning can find unknown factors behind disease

A new method can now find previously unknown factors that underlie disease by using statistical machine learning to sort through mountains of complex biological data. 

Worker mobility can impact adoption of new technology

New research suggests that when workers have more ability to find a new employer, businesses face higher risks of losing skilled employees who possess the expertise needed to implement new technologies, including machine learning. 

Gil Levine, champion of international collaboration, dies at 96

Gilbert Levine ’48, Ph.D. ’52, whose 68 years of service to Cornell were devoted to fostering multidisciplinary and international collaboration, died Feb. 5 in Fitchburg, Wisconsin.

Opposing views of regulation emerge at Durland Lecture

This year’s Lewis H. Durland Memorial Lecture, held March 25 in Statler Auditorium, was a conversation between two finance experts with opposing ideological views; it was tied to Cornell’s academic theme year, “Freedom of Expression.”

‘You the Engineer’ climate change course opens to Title 1 schools

Hundreds of high school students from the across the country have been challenged to design a sustainable house for college credit as part of the Cornell course Climate Change and You, the Engineer.

Around Cornell

Mind Prize awarded to neuroscientist Antonio Fernandez-Ruiz

The prize aims to “change the paradigm of neuroscience research by creating a community of next-frontier thinkers who can uncover a deeper understanding of the brain and cognition.”

Around Cornell