Campus & Community
Colleges & Schools

Cornell's Agribusiness Economic Outlook Conference slated for Dec. 14

The annual Agribusiness Economic Outlook Conference at Cornell will be held Tuesday, Dec. 14, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. On-site registration will begin at 9 a.m. Sponsored by Cornell's Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics, the conference will feature forecasts for agricultural and economic issues.

National Chemistry Week event at Pyramid Mall is Saturday, Nov. 6

Floating bubbles and disposable diapers, both the products of chemistry, will be part of the annual Chemistry Fair, in celebration of National Chemistry Week, at Pyramid Mall.

NASA grant will give school science teachers a taste of space at Cornell and Ithaca Sciencenter workshop this month

This month, science teachers in middle and high schools from across the Northeast will get the chance to be part of the exploration of space. Cornell and the Ithaca Sciencenter are hosting a NASA-supported workshop.

Vertical split keyboard offers lower injury risk for typists, Cornell study finds

Tomorrow's computer keyboard might be played more like an accordion than a piano, says a Cornell ergonomist. This, he says, is because a prototype vertical split keyboard allows two to three times more typing movements to stay in safe, low-risk positions for carpal tunnel syndrome compared with a traditional keyboard.

James Severson named to head Cornell Research Foundation

The Cornell Research Foundation Inc., which puts much of Cornell University research to commercial use, has a new president. He is James A. Severson, previously a marketing director at the University of Minnesota.

New to science, a novel insect eye could be a very old way of seeing

An unusual type of eye - resembling a tiny raspberry and possibly following a design principle that vanished with the extinction of trilobites hundreds of millions of years ago - lives today in a parasitic insect.

Community meeting to be held Nov. 4 to offer support following death of graduate student

Friends and colleagues of Lynn Shannon Proctor, a Cornell graduate student in applied and engineering physics, will hold a community gathering and support meeting Thursday (Nov. 4) at 3 p.m. in 701 Clark Hall.

Intellectual powerhouse Stanley Fish to deliver Law School's Robert S. Stevens Lecture Nov. 5

Stanley Fish, a prominent public intellectual who is a renowned scholar in both law and literature, will deliver the fall 1999 Robert S. Stevens Lecture at Cornell Law School this Friday, Nov. 5.

Texas energy expert to discuss disposal of U.S., Russian nuclear weapons

Dale E. Klein, the Bob R. Dorsey Professor of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and vice chancellor for special engineering programs in the University of Texas system, will visit Cornell.

Connecting human-scale world to that of the ultrasmall is purpose of latest industry contract to Cornell microelectronics researchers

Push a number on a palm-sized cell phone and the signal travels to an interior chip with physical features some five orders of magnitude smaller than the number button. That connection is called "electronic packaging," and the challenges presented by this huge discrepancy in size are becoming a serious problem for microelectronics.

Cornell receives $1.35 million federal grant for Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 program

The National Science Foundation has awarded Cornell a three-year, $1.35 million grant to provide high school teaching fellowships for college graduate students and advanced undergraduates in the sciences.

John Callister named director of Cornell's Kinzelberg program to train undergraduate engineers in the ways of business

John Callister, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, has been named director of Cornell's Harvey Kinzelberg Enterprise Engineering Program.