Grant to help Warner study public health in rural planning

Mildred Warner, M.S. ’85, Ph.D. ’97, professor of city and regional planning, has secured a $500,000 grant from the USDA to extend her work on multigenerational planning in rural areas.

Architecture team wins design funding from Epic Games

Three architecture faculty received funding from Epic Games Inc. in support of their work on Virtual Places, a project to adapt the company’s VR gaming engine for architectural and urban design.

Construction projects earn LEED gold, silver honors

Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine has earned gold and silver glory, all in the name of green.

Eighteen receive Engaged Graduate Student Grants

Eighteen Cornell doctoral students from 13 fields of study have received 2019-20 Engaged Graduate Student Grants to support community-engaged research relevant to their dissertations.

Cornell to host national Science Olympiad

About 2,000 middle and high school students will show their science and engineering acumen at the 35th annual Science Olympiad National Tournament, May 31-June 1 at Cornell.

CRP students, faculty, alumni renovate Oneida mansion

Historic Preservation Planning students spent their annual Work Weekend doing restoration work on the historic Oneida Community Mansion House in Oneida, New York.

Remembering I.M. Pei

Renowned architect I.M. Pei, who died May 16 at age 102, is remembered for his design of Cornell's Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art.

Morrison, architecture alumni honored by Arts and Letters academy

Toni Morrison, M.A. '55, and alumni architects J. Meejin Yoon and Eric Höweler are among new recipients of American Academy of Arts and Letters honors.

AAP instructors’ Chisholm monument to rise in Brooklyn

A monument honoring Shirley Chisholm designed by two AAP instructors, both alumni, will soon rise in Brooklyn and is the first of five monuments that will honor women who’ve made an impact on New York City.