Cornell engineer Iain Boyd wins young-researcher award in aeronautics

Iain D. Boyd, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Cornell, has been selected to receive the 1998 Lawrence Sperry Award of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Alfred E. Kahn is honored by Aviation Week publishers

Cornell Professor Emeritus Alfred E. Kahn is the recipient of the 1997 Welch Pogue Award. The award, presented by Aviation Week Group, publishers of Aviation Week & Space Technology,, honors a visionary and prominent leader's lifetime contributions to aviation.

Cornell animal scientist denounces human cloning idea on ABCNews.Com

Following the media uproar over a scientist in Illinois who says he will try to begin human cloning soon, a Cornell professor participated in an Internet discussion Wednesday (Jan. 7) to debunk and denounce the effort.

Cornell study: When refugees sell food, it's often out of distress, not due to excess rations

When refugees sell or barter food, it's not always an indication that they've been given too much food relief, as donors assume, but because they are desperate to obtain different food, such as salt, necessary for survival. 

Research rockets, including an experiment from Cornell, are scheduled for launch into the ionosphere next year from Puerto Rico

Cornell scientists will study the dynamics and composition of the ionosphere using research instruments aboard one of a series of rockets, which will be launched from Puerto Rico in February 1998, as part of a scientific campaign known as Coqui II.

Cornell will hold a French Festival on campus, Nov. 5- Nov. 23

The French Studies Program at Cornell is launching its first annual French Festival on campus from Nov. 5 through Nov. 23. Called La Quinzaine, which means fortnight, the festival will include two weeks of lectures, movies, round table discussions, films, recitations, culinary events and concerts.

Dedication of Sagan Planet Walk is set for Nov. 8

The dedication ceremony of the Sagan Planet Walk is slated for Nov. 8 at 10:30 a.m. in the atrium of Center Ithaca on the Ithaca Commons.

'Oppression, Drugs and Self-Discovery' is topic for Washington Post reporter Patrice Gaines in Nov. 3 Cornell appearance

Patrice Gaines, an African-American woman who survived batterings, sexual abuse and a prison sentence for heroin possession to become a prize-winning Washington Post reporter and author, will share her story and offer suggestions for implementing change in one's life Monday, Nov. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in Anabel Taylor Hall Auditorium.

'Black Dog' author to lecture at Cornell Oct. 27 on the extermination of Armenians in Turkey

Author and poet Peter Balakian will speak on 'The Armenian Genocide and Inter-Generational Transmission of Trauma,' Oct. 27, at 4:30 p.m. in Kaufmann Auditorium.