Nancy Zimpher's visit kicked off her commitment to visit all 64 State University of New York campuses in her first 100 days to meet with and learn from students, faculty, administrators and community leaders.
Harry Katz, the Kenneth F. Kahn Dean and the Jack Sheinkman Professor of Collective Bargaining, was reappointed dean of the ILR School by the Cornell Board of Trustees. His second term begins in 2010. (May 27, 2009)
A new four-year study by the ILR School's Kate Bronfenbrenner finds that employers use coercive tactics to discourage formation of unions. (May 20, 2009)
Trust in the workplace is being eroded by pay cuts, reduced benefits, layoffs and bigger workloads shouldered by survivors. The good news is that employers and employees can take practical steps to rebuild trust. (May 20, 2009)
Cornell's Merrill Presidential Scholars Program honors 32 seniors and the high school teachers and university faculty members who made important contributions to the students' lives.
Each spring the Cornell Tradition, an alumni-endowed recognition program, honors 10 of its students for their community service and leadership. The students donate their awards to help others.
The Institute for the Social Sciences has kicked off its Persistent Poverty and Upward Mobility theme project, a three-year effort to understand the causes and solutions to chronic poverty. (May 6, 2009)
On April 29, the 2006-09 Contentious Knowledge team summarized its research on how scientific and social scientific expertise shapes public policy and becomes a focal point of social and political conflict. (May 6, 2009)
Students recently presented their research, which ranged from culinary myths of egg whites and judging sexual orientation, to the theory of children's picture books and emotional influences on gambling. (May 1, 2009)