Management sciences discussion focuses on long term

In the fourth of six public discussions, Provost Kent Fuchs and task force chair Ron Seeber noted that the focus of the management sciences report is largely conceptual.

Task force: Merge social science units and consider a school of public policy

Social science departments are too diffuse for the university to excel in the discipline and should strategically merges some units, according to task force findings discussed Dec. 1.

Three magazines honor Johnson School for diversity efforts

Three magazines included the Johnson School in their 2009 'Best of the Best' annual review series of corporations that provide the best career opportunities for minorities. (Nov. 25, 2009)

Task force: Should business programs team up?

A task force on the management sciences finds that the Cornell's many highly ranked, specialized business education programs may have the potential for collaboration.

Sustainability, capitalism can go hand in hand, CEO says

The 2009 Net Impact Conference held at Cornell Nov. 13-14 drew a record 2,400 participants and featured such speakers as Jeffrey Immelt, chairman and CEO of General Electric. (Nov. 17, 2009)

Global Entrepreneurship Week events kick off Nov. 16

Global Entrepreneurship Week, Nov. 16-22, will feature entrepreneurs from around the world and connect people through activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. (Nov. 16, 2009)

Seminar series aims to motivate entrepreneurs, stimulate local business development

A Nov. 20 seminar in the new Entrepreneurship Seminar Series in the East Hill Office Building will focus on tips and strategies for getting an idea ready for market. (Nov. 9, 2009)

Rob Ryan gives Cornell entrepreneurs tips for success

Entrepreneur Rob Ryan passed along some ground rules for successful entrepreneurs during a talk Oct. 26. The event, part of the Moses and Loulu Seltzer Lecture series, drew more than 200 people. (Nov. 2, 2009)

Pinstrup-Andersen named No. 1 Dane for fighting poverty

Professor Per Pinstrup-Andersen, the 2001 World Food Prize laureate, has been named 'the most important Dane in the world' in combating poverty by Denmark's leading development magazine. (Oct. 27, 2009)