Fearful that a little eggnog or Caesar salad dressing might send you to bed with a Salmonella-related illness? The chances are slight, but they’re even slimmer if your eggs are produced in New York, thanks to the Salmonella Control Program conducted by the Unit of Avian Medicine at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
The Summer Olympics athletes that Dr. Michael A. Ball cares for will run three days in Georgia's July heat, jump over logs and ditches, sweat off as much as 10-15 liters of body fluid an hour and carry other athletes on their backs.
When it comes to calming "nuisance-barking" dogs, a spritz of fragrance under the chin is more effective than electric shock, a test by the Animal Behavior Clinic at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine has found.
Cornell animal scientists may have a way to help rebuild populations of endangered mammalian species, now that they have succeeded in the first live births by non-surgical embryo collection and transfer in domestic ferrets.
Viral gene studies at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine aim to learn how some fish fight skin cancer and how retroviruses function in the development and regression of tumors.
Maddening cow disease might be a better name, so frustrating is the causative agent with its apparent ability to move among species. Not to mention the public- health dilemmas facing authorities in Great Britain, where a cattle disease called bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease, may have infected humans.
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell is cooperating with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in a surveillance program for British cattle that were imported to the United States before bovine spongiform encephalopathy in England prompted a 1989 embargo on cattle from the United Kingdom.
Pet owners intrigued by the exotic are getting something extra with their imported iguanas -- exotic forms of Salmonella bacteria that can cause life-threatening illness in humans, Cornell University veterinary researchers are finding.