The Cornell Board of Trustees Executive Committee will meet in New York City Thursday, June 25. The meeting will be held in the Fall Creek Room of the Cornell Club of New York,
Rebecca Quinn Morgan of Los Altos Hills, Calif., has been elected to the Cornell University Board of Trustees as a trustee at-large for a four-year term, effective July 1, 1998.
In Japan, where typical houses are less than half the size of average American houses but cost two to three times more and maintain value for only about 20 years before they become worthless and are demolished, home builders are turning to Cornell.
Charles W. Wolfram, the Charles Frank Reavis Sr. Professor of Law at the Cornell Law School, has been named interim dean of the Law School effective Aug. 1.
Classical composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has become a cultural icon whose image and music are used to sell everything from cars to chocolates. Can there be anything new to say about him or his music?
The influential Dutch Bulb Program in the United States is moving to Cornell from Raleigh, N.C. The selection announcement notes that the move is a tribute to Cornell's extremely long and prestigious horticultural tradition.
An exclusive research and license agreement was announced today (June 14) by the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI), Ithaca, N.Y., and Axis Genetics, PLC, Cambridge, England.
Ever since the invention in 1982 of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM), which can see single atoms, scientists have been trying to use the instrument to examine the bonds that hold atoms together in molecules.
It's not every day that plumbing-supply warehouse employees get a chance to protect the environment. Thanks to the employees' keen eyes and quick thinking, the area around Jamestown, N.Y., may have been spared an infestation of harmful Japanese pine sawyer beetles.
A Challenge Industries Inc. project and another project that combines the talents of the Greater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC) and the Dilmun Hill Cornell Student Farm have won 1998 Tompkins County Trust Co.'s Robert S. Smith Awards for community progress and innovation.
Ornithologists have taken voyeurism a step further by installing a video camera in the home of a pair of nesting tree swallows. The seemingly oblivious birds at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology are raising a family in full view of the World Wide Web.
Benjamin Widom, who since 1983 has been the Goldwin Smith Professor of Chemistry in the Cornell Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, has been named one of the two recipients of the 1998 Boltzmann medal.