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Media Studies Initiative launches new graduate minor

Beginning in spring 2022, a graduate minor in media studies will be available to students in fields across the Graduate School at Cornell University.  Drawing on the Graduate School's long tradition of fostering interdisciplinary study, the new minor is the most recent project of the Media Studies Initiative, which sponsors an undergraduate minormonthly colloquia, and interdisciplinary graduate working groups.  In the pandemic year 2020-21, the initiative staged the online Media Objects conference.

The foundation of the new graduate minor is the seminar, "Thinking Media Studies," to be taught for the first time in spring 2022 by Professors Nick Salvato (PMA) and Roger Moseley (Music), scholars whose writing has focused on television and video games, respectively.  The new seminar is inspired by the popular undergraduate course "Thinking Media," which brings together numerous faculty teaching a range of media, from the earliest writing systems to digital art, media, and information systems.

Read the full story on the College of Arts and Sciences website.

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