ILR alumnus pens book on NBA labor relations

“The Cap: How Larry Fleisher and David Stern Built the Modern NBAwas published last fall by the University of Nebraska Press.

Around Cornell

‘Playful uncertainty’ apparent in new poetry by Charlie Green

In “Feral Ornamentals,” Literatures in English senior lecturer Charlie Green finds whimsy in uncertainty and humor in the “terrifying,” creating new poems with a fact-based look at the natural world and a sense of exploration through process.

Around Cornell

Panel examines how artificial intelligence influences politics, policy

“Policy, Politics and Ethics of the Coming AI Revolution,” an Arts Unplugged webinar, will explore the impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology on our current political system and reflect on ethical concerns for the future, hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences.

Around Cornell

Fit, function, fashion, sustainability - fiber science and apparel design researchers address face mask improvement

The end of face masks in public could be a year or more away as questions of transmissibility post-vaccine and effectiveness against emerging strains remain. One thing is clear: when it comes to fit, function, fashion, and sustainability, current face masks leave a lot of room for improvement.

Around Cornell

Nyabola to speak at Race and Racism Across Borders event

Writer, activist and political analyst Nanjala Nyabola will discuss her upcoming book as part of Global Cornell’s Race and Racism across Borders webinar on April 12 at 11:00 a.m. Following the dialogue, Cornell students will present their original prose, poems and visual art.

Around Cornell

Kapil Longani ’97: shaping NYC’s COVID-19 response

As chief counsel to New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio, Kapil Longani ’97 has helped shape the city’s plans for reopening schools, creating outdoor dining protocols, and thinking through legal issues around COVID testing and vaccine distribution. 

Around Cornell

Egesi earns biotechnology honors for food security efforts in Nigeria

Chiedozie Egesi earned the Fellowship Award from the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria for his work bolstering food security efforts in Africa.

Around Cornell

Nature Rx: the many benefits of time outdoors

On March 25, Family and Children’s Service (F&CS) of Ithaca invited community members to learn more about Nature Rx and Donald A. Rakow’s research to measure the positive impacts of time spent in nature.

Around Cornell

DJs, Linnaeus and plantation history

Tao Leigh Goffe understands a hidden side of Caribbean history by using unconventional archives of sound, taste and other sensorial data.

Around Cornell