Food bacteria-spice survey shows why some cultures like it hot

Humans' use of antimicrobial spices developed in parallel with food-spoilage microorganisms, Cornell University biologists have demonstrated in a international survey of spice use in cooking. (March 4, 1998)

Jason Millman, Cornell professor who was an expert on standardized testing and measuring education performance, is dead at 64

Jason Millman, a Cornell professor of education and an expert on standardized testing methods, died Feb. 22 in Lake Oswego, Ore., where he was visiting family. He died from complications arising from Shy-Drager Syndrome. He was 64.

Inventor of the inflationary universe, Alan Guth, will deliver the Bethe Lectures at Cornell

Alan H. Guth, the Victor F. Weisskopf Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will be the Hans A. Bethe Lecturer at Cornell University. Guth will give a free, public lecture.

Troy Donahue is featured in Bye Bye Birdie at Cornell, Feb. 28

Troy Donahue, a American teen heartthrob from the '60s, will play Harry MacAfee, a father whose life is disrupted by teen idol Conrad Birdie, in the 1998 national tour of Bye Bye Birdie, at Cornell's Statler Auditorium on Feb. 28 at 8 p.m.

Three Cornell faculty members win 1998 Sloan Research Fellowships, giving support to scientists early in their careers

Three Cornell faculty members have been awarded Sloan Research Fellowships for 1998: Dong Lai, assistant professor of astronomy; Gregory Morrisett, assistant professor of computer science, and Michael J. Spivey-Knowlton, assistant professor of psychology.

Jane Mt. Pleasant is honored by national American Indian society

Jane Mt. Pleasant, director of the American Indian Program at Cornell, was presented with the highest honor of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society at the organization's national conference in Houston in November.

Community interest in making schools work is a major factor in education outcomes, experts agree

How much children learn in school depends in good measure on the attitudes and values of the surrounding community -- and on how much those values are shared by the children themselves -- education experts agreed at a symposium at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Philadelphia.

Feminist author of Backlash to speak in Bailey Hall

Feminist author Susan Faludi will deliver the annual Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Foundation Lecture on Thursday, March 26, at 8 p.m. in Bailey Hall at Cornell.

Vicki Caron named first Diann G. and Thomas A. Mann Professor of Modern Jewish Studies at Cornell

Vicki Caron, associate professor of history at Cornell, has been named the Diann G. and Thomas A. Mann Professor of Modern Jewish Studies, effective Feb. 1, 1998.