Mice use their tongues to ‘see’ tactile targets

Cornell scientists have identified the neural pathway mice use to direct the tongue to tactile targets: the superior colliculus, the same brain region that primates – including humans – use to direct their gaze to visual targets.

Elizabeth Sanders, scholar of U.S. political development, dies at 81

Elizabeth Sanders, Ph.D. ’78, professor of government emerita in the College of Arts and Sciences, died Dec. 2 in Cullman, Alabama. She was 81.

Small wins in early life lead to inequality in adulthood

Lucky breaks in a male mouse’s youth can lead to large advantages in adulthood, especially in groups that compete for food, territory and mates.

Pupil size in sleep reveals how memories are sorted and preserved

The eyes may be the window to the soul, but the pupil is key to understanding how, and when, the brain forms strong, long-lasting memories, Cornell researchers have found.

December graduates charted their own course

The December Recognition Ceremony, held Dec. 22 in Barton Hall, celebrated 500 August and December graduates.

Ithaca startup’s product builds bone health using NY milk protein

Two friends who bonded over shared concerns over their bone health have formulated a bioavailable calcium chew using milk protein from Finger Lakes dairy farms. 

Around Cornell

Klarman Fellow co-edits trilingual ‘Queer Latin American Voices’

Romance studies scholar Romina Wainberg is co-editor of a collection which contains brief texts and illustrations by Latin American LGBTQIA+ writers and artists, accompanied by responses by queer academics in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Around Cornell

Chemist Héctor D. Abruña wins Enrico Fermi Award

Héctor D. Abruña, the Émile M. Chamot Professor of Chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences, will receive the Enrico Fermi Award, one of the oldest and most prestigious science and technology honors bestowed by the U.S. government.

2030 Project Fast Grant awards support energy systems of the future

Researchers from five colleges have received awards to support work on sustainable energy systems.

Around Cornell