Diya Jale, hosted by the student group Society for India on Nov. 2, will continue a tradition of creating community and celebrating Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights.
In his new book, filmmaker Austin Bunn delves into the mechanics of the short form by reprinting notable scripts and interviewing the films’ creators, as well as providing insights and advice based on his own screenwriting career.
In “Purchase,” a new collection of poems from Associate Professor Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon, the author seeks consolation for grief by turning to specific sources of beauty.
Judy Cha, Ph.D. ’09, professor of materials science and engineering in Cornell Engineering, and Yuval Grossman, professor of physics in the College of Arts and Sciences, have been elected as fellows of the American Physical Society (APS).
On what would have been astronomer and planetary scientist Carl Sagan’s 90th birthday, Cornell’s Carl Sagan Institute will celebrate his legacy in an interdisciplinary day of science, music and more as part of the College of Arts and Sciences’ Arts Unplugged series.
“Orlando’s Gift,” a new play written and directed by David Feldshuh, professor of performing and media arts, and inspired by Virginia Woolf’s novel “Orlando,” will premiere Nov. 1 at the Schwartz Center.
Bring your dog out for a fun run, hear from experts about the election and the future of democracy, and listen to the music of a 1914 alumnus who experimented with blending Chinese and Western musical traditions.
“Sigrid Nunez’s novels meditate on life and the world with unfussy clarity and lightness. Today she is one of the most profound living American writers."
The event in the Duffield Atrium attracted over 500 attendees and brought science down to size, offering hands-on activities and live virtual tours that showcased the world of the very, very small.