Troy Donahue, a American teen heartthrob from the '60s, will play Harry MacAfee, a father whose life is disrupted by teen idol Conrad Birdie, in the 1998 national tour of Bye Bye Birdie, at Cornell's Statler Auditorium on Feb. 28 at 8 p.m.
Feminist author Susan Faludi will deliver the annual Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Foundation Lecture on Thursday, March 26, at 8 p.m. in Bailey Hall at Cornell.
Almost the entire permanent collection -- more than 27,000 objects -- of Cornell's Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art will be made available for viewing on the World Wide Web over the next two years.
The French Studies Program at Cornell is launching its first annual French Festival on campus from Nov. 5 through Nov. 23. Called La Quinzaine, which means fortnight, the festival will include two weeks of lectures, movies, round table discussions, films, recitations, culinary events and concerts.
The inspirations for the six original pieces to be performed at Dance Concert '97 at Cornell are as varied as the performers themselves -- who include a veterinary student and recent high school graduate. Cornell's Department of Theatre, Film and Dance will present its annual dance concert this weekend.
Diferencias, a composition written by Roberto Sierra, Cornell associate professor of music, will make its world premiere March 8 in a performance by the Cornell University Wind Ensemble under the direction of Mark Scatterday. The free program will begin at 8:15 p.m. in Bailey Hall.
Robert Fitzpatrick, dean of the School of the Arts at Columbia University, who will be the keynote speaker at the Cornell symposium "Creating Minds: Artistic Intelligence Across the Disciplines" to be held Feb. 28 and March 1.
Cornell's Graduate Program in Medieval Studies appoints no faculty of its own. Yet faculty from 13 departments within the College of Arts and Sciences choose, out of love, to devote their time and energy to the program and its extremely diverse and dedicated group of students.
Societal changes are inextricably linked to changes in women's roles and status. And throughout March, Cornell will host a series of programs that explore these linkages - particularly in terms of what they tell us about notions of "family values," that loaded expression that has been a rallying cry of political conservatives.