Researchers at Cornell, Georgia Tech and the U.S. Forest Service have found that when an animal preserve corridor includes areas that are hospitable to two species, the cost is far less than it would be to create separate corridors for each one.
Two Cornell Tech master's graduates have won a World Congress on Information Technology award for their computer-vision invention, Uru, which projects advertising onto blank surfaces in a video.
A new website called Navigate is designed to save Cornell faculty members time and reduce stress in handling off-campus teaching, research and engagement, nationally and internationally.
Alane Suhr, a first-year doctoral student in the field of computer science, has received one of 10 Microsoft Research Women’s Fellowships awarded this year.
Fourteen new projects funded with 2016 Engaged Curriculum Grants are underway. With an additional eight teams receiving renewal funding, the grants involve 93 faculty and staff team members, and 29 departments.
The new field of media studies will be explored in a yearlong series of lectures beginning Oct. 6 that focus on emerging research, particularly by younger scholars in the field.