Yale-Loehr says 2013 immigration reform is unlikely

The U.S. Senate will likely pass a bill to overhaul immigration laws but the House will probably not vote on it this year, said adjunct professor of law, Stephen Yale-Loehr '77, J.D. '81, at a press briefing May 17 in Washington, D.C.

Law School report targets Argentine women prisoners

Cornell Law School's Avon Global Center for Women and Justice and International Human Rights Clinic has issued a report on Argentine women in prison and recommends reform of drug sentencing.

Potato may help feed Ethiopia in era of climate change

Graduate student Semagn Kolech will expand sustainable farming in Ethiopia, turning it from a place where it's hard to grow sustainable crops to a place where farming flourishes.

Cornellians awarded a record 28 Fulbright awards

The Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, which administers the Fulbright program at Cornell, reports that a record 27 Cornellians have received awards in 2013-14.

Newfield teen chosen for international internship

Newfield student Cynthia Ulbing has been awarded an international internship from the World Food Prize Foundation. She is earning college credit working on campus through the New Visions Life Sciences program.

Film reveals new footage of Soviet bioweapons program

A new documentary film created by two Cornell faculty members and others probes the moral dimensions of the Soviet bioweapons program.

CCAT telescope in Chile reaches major milestone

Cornell representatives attended in the first board meeting in Chile of the institutions planning to build the world's largest submillimeter wavelength telescope.

Hospitality, real estate in China set to boom, summit finds

The Cornell International Summit: Hospitality, Real Estate and the Built Environment, in Shanghai April 20, attracted 275 Cornellians and friends to discuss the state of China's hospitality and commercial real estate markets.

Asia-Pacific conference draws record turnout

The sixth Cornell Asia-Pacific Leadership Conference, held April 19-21 in Shanghai, drew record-high attendance of nearly 100 Cornell alumni, parents, friends and faculty members.