Growing the 'technology ecosystem' of the future in NYC

Provost Kent Fuchs and deans Lance Collins and Daniel Huttenlocher answer questions about why Cornell is the right choice for developing a New York City technology campus.

Engineering academies host high school students

The Cornell campus teemed with high school-aged budding scientists and engineers during the College of Engineering's CURIE and CATALYST academies, which took place July 17-23. (July 25, 2011)

Cornell to answer NYC's call for world-class applied science campus plan

Cornell has announced that it will answer the call issued by Mayor Michael Bloomberg July 19 to create a world-class applied science and engineering campus in the city.

Graduate School increases support for inclusion and professional development with two new hires

Two new leadership appointments in the Graduate School have been filled by external candidates who bring strengths in inclusion, mentoring, grant-writing and graduate student professional development. (July 19, 2011)

Scholars gather for School of Criticism and Theory

This year's School of Criticism and Theory, June 19-July 28, is addressing trends in literature, political theory, history, philosophy, art and anthropology with some of the world's leading scholars. (July 6, 2011)

Food-system activism cultivated in 70 high school students at first Youth Grow Summit

More than 70 high school students learned about sustainable and just community food systems June 28-30 at Cornell's first Youth Grow Summit. (July 6, 2011)

Two students die in separate Fall Creek accidents July 2

Nathaniel Rand '12, a human development major, and Stanislaw J. Jaworski, 26, a graduate student at the University of Gdansk who was interning in chemistry this summer, died July 2 in Fall Creek Gorge. (July 5, 2011)

Cornell receives $2.5 million grant to teach food safety

Professor Martin Wiedmann will head a national effort in collaboration with six other universities to engage thousands of children, college students, teachers and professionals in food safety programs.

James Gillett, pioneer of ecotoxicology, dies at age 77

James W. Gillett, professor emeritus in natural resources and a pioneer in ecotoxicology, died June 20 in Ithaca.